Family Caregivers Confront Considerable Challenges,” by The Certification for Long-Term Care, Cision PR Newswire


“Nearly all family caregivers say they are ‘always’ or ‘often’ providing emotional support (80%) to a loved one needing long-term care. That can levy a heavy toll on caregivers’ well-being and relationships in their lives. In our survey, burn out, lack of expertise and concerns about their ability to focus on their jobs were cited as the most important reasons why family caregivers sought paid home care. … Among the survey’s other findings:

  • 33% of family caregivers find getting the emotional support they needone of their biggest challenges
  • 32% of family caregivers worry about juggling caregiving and their job
  • 27% of those who decided not to bring in paid home care did so because they felt it was their duty to provide care
  • 44% felt using paid home care could have helped reduce the emotional and physical strain of being a caregiver”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Everyone knows long-term caregiving is demanding, stressful, and expensive. But this study puts some empirical flesh on those observational bones. Despite a small sample (200 who used paid care and 200 who didn’t), the reported numbers are credible and do comport, I think, with many of our personal caregiving experiences. Eileen J. Tell, CEO of ET Consulting, LLC, conducted the study and presented findings this week at the CLTC Leadership Summit in Minneapolis. For a pdf copy of the full report, contact Celeste Cobb at Kudos to CLTC for supporting this research.