Kemper Senior Solutions Product Discontinuation Announcement

Kemper's New Logo_2018

This announcement is to officially notify producers that after thoughtful review and consideration, Kemper has made the decision to discontinue new business sales within the Kemper Senior Solutions market segment. Our desire is to invest our resources more aggressively into our exclusive agent market as well as our worksite business, Kemper Benefits.

Be assured, all existing in-force business will continue to receive the same high standard of service they have come to expect.

This change will take effect January 1, 2020, for Life products. All applications for Life products received prior to December 31, 2019, with effective dates on or before December 31, will be accepted and processed.
We will continue to take business on the Home Health Care product through March 31, 2020.

We sincerely appreciate your support for the KSS products and will do everything to make this transition as efficient as possible.
Charles Steele signature
Charles Steele
Kemper Health President
