“Investors predict senior living rent increases of 3 to 7 percent,” by Lois A. Bowers, McKnight’s Senior Living
“Sixty-six percent of respondents to a newly released survey said they expect rental rate increases of 3% to 7% over the next 12 months for active adult, independent living, assisted living and memory care communities. No respondents said they anticipate rent decreases for any long-term care asset class. … The full report is available here.”
LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:
As higher interest rates and inflation ramify through the LTC economy, consumers will have to pony up. And as the cost to government to service a ballooning national debt ($34 trillion within days) crimps Medicare and Medicaid budgets, taxpayers will have to pay more: either through higher taxes or through even greater inflation if more borrowing and money printing close the budget gaps.
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