“Indiana United World MedSupp-0518”

New United World Medicare Supplement Plan In Indiana!

Effective May 25, 2018, United World’s new competitively-priced Medicare Supplement will be made available in Indiana.

Besides the new low rates on our popular Plans F and G, Indiana offers:

  • Plans High Deductible F and Plan N
  • Anniversary rating
  • 7% household discount for clients that qualify

View the new Indiana Outline of Coverage for pricing.

Click below for additional details:
New Medicare Supplement Plan in Indiana

Check out Omaha’s Med Supp Broker Bonus Program. Use Omaha’s e-App for faster turn-around, and access GoldenCare’s complimentary Med Supp quote & comparison tools.
Do you need more reasons?  Don’t wait to get contracted!

Questions? Call our Marketing Team at 800-842-7799!

