“How Medicaid and Medicare Fit Into Planning for Long-Term Care”

How Medicaid and Medicare Fit Into Planning for Long-Term Care,” by Harry S. Margolis, Next Avenue



“Beginning this year, workers in Washington state must pay 58 cents of every $100 they earn into the Washington Cares Fund to help pay their long-term care costs in the future. Those with qualifying long-term care insurance can be eligible for an exemption. Beginning in 2025, those Washington residents who have paid in for at least three out of the prior six years, or for 10 years in total, will be able to withdraw up to $36,500 to pay for their costs of care. This is an attempt by the state of Washington to fill in a huge gap in our patchwork of a long-term care system.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

This Medicaid planner evidently missed the memo about WA Cares’ postponement and more likely permanent derailment.