“The Hidden Costs In Medicare Advantage Plans”

“The Hidden Costs In Medicare Advantage Plans,” by Danielle Kunkle, Forbes


“New-to-Medicare clients often ask us, ‘Which is better: Medigap or Medicare Advantage?’ Medigap plans have been around forever and are relatively easy to understand. Medicare Advantage plans work differently but generate much interest due to premiums which are often lower than Medigap plans. . . . Which type of coverage is best? That answer depends on what is most important to you: lower premiums or more predictable costs. Remember that what is best for your neighbor might not be best for you. Do your research before enrolling so that you are familiar with all the advantages or disadvantages of the plans you are considering.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

This article homes in on the trade-offs between Medi-Gap and Medicare Advantage plans.

The Hidden Costs In Medicare Advantage Plans


