Helping prospects navigate long-term care system an ‘enormous opportunity’ for senior living: report,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnight’s Senior Living


“The creation of central doorways to existing long-term care services — including senior living, nursing home care, home-based care, transportation and meal services — is critical to supporting older adults and their families during decision-making and an “enormous opportunity” for senior living providers. That’s according to a report published Thursday by Nexus Insights titled ‘Where Am I, Where Do I Go: The Missing Entry Point to Long-Term Care Solutions for Older Adults and Their Caregivers.’”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

We need this. We need that. What we really need is people who ask first “why is long-term care such a mess?” instead of “how can we get the government to spend more?” For answers to the first question that obviate the need to answer the second question, read Medicaid_and_Long-Term_Care (2020), How to Fix Long-Term Care Financing (2017) and Frontload LTC, July 15, 2022.