GTL’s Heritage Plan Application Update

GTL Portal & e-App Updates
GTL's Heritage Plan | Graded Benefit Whole Life Insurance

GTL’s Heritage Plan applications now have
updated underwriting questions. This change is
currently available on the Agent Portal.
The e-App update will be available soon.

Previous applications will no longer
be accepted as of Friday, 5/14/21

Log in to the Agent Portal


Help Protect Your Client’s Loved Ones

Does your client have a plan in place to help pay for their final expenses? When this unfortunate time arrives, who will pay for your client’s final medical bills, unpaid credit card bills or funeral and burial expenses?

Premiums Never Increase

Premiums Never Increase

No Medical Exam Needed

No Medical Exam Needed

Simple Application

Simple Application

Whole Life Ins Accumulates Cash Value

Whole Life Insurance
Accumulates Cash Value

Did you know?

The median cost for an adult funeral was approximately


in 2019

This amount doesn’t include a cemetery plot, pastoral service, headstone, obituary, flowers and other cash expenses.

Planning for funeral expenses will help your client’s family when they need it most. Life insurance is one of the best ways to make sure that your client’s family will not have to worry about how to pay for funeral and burial expenses in their time of grief.


GTL’s Heritage Plan Application Update
