“Gallup Poll Shows Public’s Deep Aversion to Nursing Homes, 42% of Americans Give ‘D’ or ‘F’”

Gallup Poll Shows Public’s Deep Aversion to Nursing Homes, 42% of Americans Give ‘D’ or ‘F’,” by Shelby Grebbin, Skilled Nursing News

“One of the central findings of the survey indicates that Americans hold a less than favorable view of nursing home quality. Over 40% of respondents gave nursing homes negative ratings for overall quality of care, with 36% assigning them a “D” (poor) grade and 6% an “F” (fail). Only a small percentage rated nursing homes positively, with just 1% giving them an “A” (excellent) and 8% a “B” (good). The average rating for nursing-home quality of care, therefore, comes in at a disappointing D+.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Public opinion about nursing homes goes from bad to worse due to ongoing poor Medicaid reimbursement. One more reason to own “stay-out-of-a-nursing home” private LTC insurance.