“Freedom in the 50 States”

Freedom in the 50 States,” by William Ruger and Jason Sorens, Cato Institute



“The overall freedom ranking is a combination of personal and economic freedoms. … This edition again improves on the methodology for weighting and combining state and local policies to create a comprehensive index. Authors William Ruger and Jason Sorens introduce many new policy variables suggested by readers and changes in the broader policy environment (for example, vaping regulations). More than 230 policy variables and their sources remain available to the public on this website.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Click through to find out where your state ranks on this continuum of personal and economic freedom. I note that the states most actively promoting compulsory tax-funded LTC social insurance programs (California, Illinois, Hawaii, Minnesota, and Washington) are among the least free. The states with the best economies (Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee) are among the most free.