“Falls Are Taking A Huge And Rising Toll On Elderly Brains,” by Mike Stobbe, Associated Press

“Elderly people are suffering concussions and other brain injuries from falls at what appear to be unprecedented rates, according to a new report from U.S. government researchers. The reason for the increase isn’t clear, the report’s authors said. But one likely factor is that a growing number of elderly people are living at home and taking repeated tumbles, said one expert.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
The panacea of home and community-based care, promoted for so long by academics as preferred by the elderly and costing less, does have certain downsides such as actually costing more than institutional care, making quality control more difficult, and resulting in more dangerous falls.

Falls Are Taking A Huge And Rising Toll On Elderly Brains
