Understanding SureBridge branded “senior” products
During the Annual Enrollment Period, you could be meeting with clients who have turned 65 and are now entering a new stage of life–Medicare eligibility. You may wonder if this means they need to have their SureBridge supplemental products re-written to the “senior” version. We have great, time-saving news for you: there is no need to rewrite!
Many of The Chesapeake Life Insurance Company (CLICO) products, offered on the SureBridge brand, are designed for customers of nearly all ages. Once written to a CancerWise Plus, HeartWise, HospitalWise or Prime DVH plan, even as your customer ages, they do not need to move to a “senior” version of this plan. Clients on these plans do not “age-off” at 65 years of age. In fact, they may be better-off keeping the plan they have unless they need to add or change benefits.
Benefits of keeping the current plan:
- No disruption
- No restarting waiting periods, grading periods, or pre-existing conditions limitations mid-flight of a plan year
- No potential for rate increases from advanced issue age
Why do you have “senior” plans?
Our marketing materials present a view of SureBridge plans that may be more relatable to those ages 65 and older and possibly considering supplemental products for the first time. “Senior” plans are designed to speak the right message, at the right time, to the right audience. Your clients who started their plans before the age of 65 can continue their coverage by simply continuing their premium payment per the terms of their plan.
If you have questions about our CLICO plans, please reach out to Producer Support.
Contact SureBridge Producer Support by calling 888-797-4447, or by emailing: AgentCommunications@SureBridgeInsurance.com.