“Denver 2020 ILTCI Conference Cancelled”

Denver 2020 ILTCI Conference Cancelled,” The ILTCI Executive Committee


“The Executive Committee of the ILTCI has monitored the COVID-19 virus closely. The situation in the host city of Denver, Colorado has worsened, including the governor of Colorado declaring a state of emergency. Unfortunately, we feel that it is impossible to proceed with the 2020 conference given the facts surrounding this pandemic. As likely goes without saying, we put the safety of our members first. Like most conferences, professional sports teams and other organizations whose members planned to meet in any material number this March, we have decided that proceeding with the conference does not justify the risk that our members could become ill. Steps taken by our members to mitigate the risk of infection have already resulted in speaker and attendee cancellations in significant numbers.

As a result, the ILTCI’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 conference. We are continuing to evaluate whether the meeting can be rescheduled at a later time. As you can surely appreciate, that evaluation will be contingent on the future trajectory of COVID-19, which is presently unknown.

We will soon reach out to attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors under separate cover with communications regarding the implications of this cancellation.

We will have FAQs available soon on our website, www.iltciconf.org.

The ILTCI Executive Committee”
LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

This is a sad but sensible decision. The virus pandemic puts older and immune-deficient people at greatest risk, the very people private LTCI aims to protect financially. What a PR fiasco if someone had sickened at the meeting spreading the infection and carrying it home. The ILTCI Conference has a long, proud tradition. We’re confident it will return next year bigger and stronger than ever. In the meantime, check out our history of the long-term care insurance conferences including all 19 ILTCI’s up to now: History of LTC Insurance Conferences (2019). We should all express our appreciation to the ILTCI conference’s organizers, staff, and contributors for their dedication, hard work and consummate professionalism under extremely difficult circumstances.