Check Out the New LTCi Underwriting Presentations

At Mutual of Omaha, we are here to help you get your business issued. Here are four short presentations with tips to get your applications issued faster. Just click on the titles and you will be taken directly to the presentation.

Application Pitfalls — covers important tips like making sure your licensing and training is up to date, knowing family history of clients and resources you can use to help you underwrite.

Application Tips — tips like using the E-app for quicker and easier issue, including attachments with the application that help explain your client’s health, and asking about prior declines from other companies.

Preparing for the Health Interview — learn how to prepare your clients for their health interview and when your clients should expect cognitive screenings.

Prescreen Insights — find out why a prescreen is important and how to prescreen.
Check out the LTCi Underwriting page on Sales Professional Access to find out more on LTC Underwriting.

Check Out the New LTCi Underwriting Presentations
