“Broad class of drug linked to 50% higher risk of dementia in older adults”

Broad class of drug linked to 50% higher risk of dementia in older adults,” by Alicia Lasek, McKnight’s LTC News

“A class of drug commonly prescribed to treat everything from depression to Parkinson’s disease may raise long-term risk of dementia by as much as 50%, according to researchers at the University of Nottingham. The drugs, anticholinergics, help to relax and contract muscles by blocking messages to the nervous system. They are known in some cases to have short-term side effects including confusion and memory loss, but the effects of long-term use have been unclear, wrote the researchers, led by Carol Coupland, Ph.D.”


LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Can’t win for losing. This class of drugs includes common sleep aids like Benadryl and Ambien.