“Canadian Brain Health Diet Shows Promise in Reducing Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease,” by Patrick Connole, Provider

“Preliminary research by Toronto-based scientists offers further encouragement to the growing field of study that shows ‘brain-friendly’ diets for people approaching middle age or well into their senior citizen years can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Called the Canadian Brain Health Food Guide, the creation seeks to influence individuals and institutions to choose smarter foods like beans, whole grains, and nuts over prepackaged foods lacking in the nutrients scientists say are needed to protect brain cells and stem disease. Preliminary results for the Canadian entry into the brain-friendly field (joining the well-known Mediterranean Diet, among others) produced a 36 percent reduction in the risk of developing AD.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
Call me skeptical, but an over 1/3 decrease in Alzheimer’s for eating right seems very optimistic. Awaiting more evidence.

Canadian Brain Health Diet Shows Promise in Reducing Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
