Assistance To Oklahoma Residents Impacted By Severe Weather & Flooding

Oklahoma Governor had issued an Executive Order 2019-19 which has been amended declaring a disaster emergency for all seventy-seven (77) Oklahoma counties due to severe weather and flooding. The Oklahoma Department of Insurance issued a Bulletin 2019-01, dated May 24, 2019, to comply with the Executive Order.

The Bulletin, in part states the following:

  • Requires insurance companies to grant an extension of the grace period for customers residing within the impacted areas.
  • Storm victims can get a copy of their insurance policy free of charge.
  • This includes a moratorium on policy cancellations due to non-payment of premium. The moratorium is effective May 24, 2019 through June 24, 2019.

The Department Bulletin can be viewed by accessing the following link:

Flood Emergency, May 24, 2019
Questions regarding a Gerber Life Policy may be directed to Gerber Life by calling Agency Support at (800) 428-4947.
