“‘Absolutely astonishing’: 90% drop in COVID cases shocks Parkinson, industry leaders”

“‘Absolutely astonishing’: 90% drop in COVID cases shocks Parkinson, industry leaders,” by Danielle Brown, McKnight LTC News


“Leaders of the nation’s largest nursing home association knew there would be decreases of coronavirus deaths and cases at facilities following the availability of the COVID-19 vaccines. But the rate at which the numbers have plummeted across the country has come as a huge shock to providers. ‘A peak of 30,000 [new] cases per week just three months ago, now just 3,000 cases per week — a 90% drop,’ Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of the American Health Care Association, said during a CNN interview late last week. He added that the reference data was ‘about two weeks old,’ implying the numbers could be even more favorable. … Parkinson attributed the success to state and local governments prioritizing long-term care residents and staff for the shots, and just how well the vaccine is working.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Heroic efforts by LTC providers and vaccine developers are paying off at last.