“Trying To Solve The Alzheimer’s Puzzle,” by Melissa Bailey, Kaiser Health News

“Despite a 99 percent failure rate and another major setback last month, Alzheimer’s researchers are plowing ahead with hundreds of experiments — and a boost in federal money — to try to a crack a deadly disease that has flummoxed them for decades.  A law passed by Congress in December and signed by President Obama sets aside $3 billion over 10 years to fund research of brain diseases and precision medicine, a shot in the arm for Alzheimer’s research. The law, called the 21st Century Cures Act, also includes prize money to encourage Alzheimer’s experiments.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
Never say die on research to find a cure, but Changing Aging is right to insist that finding better ways to live with dementia is important too, as we pointed out in last Friday’s LTC Bullet:  Facing Alzheimer’s

Trying To Solve The Alzheimer’s Puzzle
