“CMS Officials Confirm End of PHE Nursing Home Waivers, Barring Congressional Action”

CMS Officials Confirm End of PHE Nursing Home Waivers, Barring Congressional Action,” by Amy Stulick, Skilled Nursing News 

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday outlined the biggest waivers tied to the public health emergency – including those linked to the three-day inpatient stay requirement and temporary nurse aides – would indeed be ending on May 11. Any sort of permanent implementation of these waivers, would need to be carried out through Congress, officials said during a nursing home stakeholder call, one of many prior to the end of the PHE in three months.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Guaranteed Medicaid qualification whether you’re eligible or not is coming to an end. In what economic reality is that a bad outcome opposed by so many? We’re observing the end stage of a long-term care market distorted for decades by government interference, regulation, and financing. See “Long-Term Care: The Problem.”