“Brian Blase and Frederick Isasi on Medicare and Medicaid”

Brian Blase and Frederick Isasi on Medicare and Medicaid,” C-Span Washington Journal

Brian Blase and Frederick Isasi talked about Medicare and Medicaid spending as part of the overall federal budget.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Watch this 57-minute video for an excellent overview of the financial challenges facing Medicare and Medicaid. Brian Blase heads the Paragon Health Institute, the organization that published my paper titled “Long-Term Care: The Problem.” Frederick Isasi leads Families USA an advocacy organization for ObamaCare and socialized medicine in general. Here’s how I characterized the two presentations: “Blaze’s clarity, brevity and objectivity trumped Isasi’s opacity, verbosity, and ideological bias throughout.” As usual, long-term care is barely mentioned, but I think this program is well worth your time nevertheless.