MedicareCENTER – Humana & Anthem Update

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We have been notified of issues with MedicareCENTER not displaying agents’ Humana & Anthem plans properly and I wanted to give you an update on what we know. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Humana — this should be fixed by 06/02 in Connecture, but Sunfire does tend to take a bit longer. For Sunfire, it could be 48-72 hrs.

Anthem & Subsidiaries — Please use Anthem’s enrollment tools until a fix is implemented. We do not have an ETA for this company at this time.

MedicareCENTER is working on a larger fix for all Anthem RTS files at the moment. They found that almost every agent had a conflicting status of RTS = Y and RTS = N in the most recent file uploads due to the way that Anthem includes their brand codes in the file. They have provided our data team with the necessary information to override this error, but it may take some time to implement this change. They are working on it as a priority and will upload the files again upon completion.
Please reach out to the GoldenCare Team at 800-842-7799 if you notice any additional issues.
