Our Florida Med supp rates drop!

We did the research so you don’t have to.

It’s hard to keep track of which carrier is lowest in Florida when Med supp rates change monthly. To help you stay as up-to-date as possible, we ran rates for two of the most popular plans, Plans G and N. And what we saw was great news.

What’s the news, you say?
Our Medicare supplement comes in at a competitive position in Florida.

Better yet, our Plan N rates were lowered in some areas so you can offer a more competitive rate to your clients. Plus we offer anniversary rating.

Carrier All Plans Except N Plan N
ZIPs 330-333 -7.6% -10.3%
ZIP 334 -17.6% -20.0%
All other ZIPs 3% 0%

In terms of dollars and cents, here’s the full story.

Carrier Plan G Plan N
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company $183.80 $125.97
Average of Top Carriers $176.25 $140.09

* Sample rates as of 5/1/21 for age 65 female nontobacco-users in lowest ZIP area. See all of our Florida rates in the Outline of Coverage.
And by great news, we mean great for everyone.

Your clients can get the coverage they need at a price they’ll love, from a company they know and trust.

And you can make even more sales with confidence knowing you’ve helped another client protect what matters most, including their finances.

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Our Florida Med supp rates drop!
