“The Road Map to Maximizing Long Term Medicaid Coverage During the COVID-19 Emergency”

The Road Map to Maximizing Long Term Medicaid Coverage During the COVID-19 Emergency,” by Nancy Levitin and Gregory Choi, Provider



“For now, applicants and their representative need only attest to the fact that the financial eligibility criteria of New York’s Medicaid program are met to qualify for medical assistance. Facility representatives can now sign applications on behalf of their residents and simply note that they are signing ‘due to the COVID-19 Emergency.’ … Any loss of Medicaid eligibility during the COVID-19 Emergency should be challenged, and a request made for coverage to be retroactively restored. … Additionally, the CARES Act provided additional funding to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program for a variety of elder protections, including Medicaid eligibility.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

State Medicaid programs will use the virus pandemic to blow the lid off long-term care spending. The message to consumers couldn’t be more clear. Don’t worry about long-term care planning. We’ve got your back. We’re from the government and we’re here to help you. Until they’re not.