What are LTC Post Issue Requirements?

Below is an illustration of the typical LTC application process:

Application Submission

Risk Assessment

Final Action

Policy Delivery

PIR Submissions


You may think that your work is complete by Step 4: Policy Delivery; however, in some situations post issue requirements (PIRs) are needed. Awareness of potential PIRs will help you maintain customer satisfaction as well as monitor your cases until final policy delivery.

So… What is a Post Issue Requirement?
PIRs may include one or more of the following items:

  • Outstanding Premium
    Total premium is due 60 days from issue
  • Policy Delivery Acknowledgement
    A Policy Delivery Acknowledgement (PDA) is currently required for five states: WV, LA, SD, NE and IL. If a signed PDA has not been received within 25 days, an electronic version of the form may be sent to the client through DocuSign for electronic signature. The Acknowledgement (paper or electronic) must be signed and returned within 25 days from date of issue or a duplicate kit will be printed and mailed directly to the policy holder.
  • Amendments
    An amendment is required when a response to an application question is missing or has changed. Amendments are also required when the policy is issued with a different risk class or benefits than were applied for on the application. Changes to policy benefits made after policy issue and within the free look period will also require an amendment to be signed (the Benefit Change form included in the policy kit will not satisfy the amendment requirement).

If you have any questions about PIRs for a client, please reach out to the case manager assigned to the application for status updates as well as detail.

In next week’s Express article, 8/21/2019, you will learn the most common scenarios in which an amendment is required.
If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or e-mail sales.support@mutualofomaha.com.

What are LTC Post Issue Requirements?
