Updated Critical Advantage Application Now Approved in Another State

We announced the first states to approve the updated Critical Advantage application in July, 2018. Now, the new and improved application will be available in California starting April 1, 2019. Here are the enhancements made to the application:

Cancer application

  • Changed the cancer look-back question from lifetime to 10 years
  • Modified look back testing question from 5 to 3 years
  • Only 3 health questions

Heart attack and stroke application

  • Changed the heart attack and stroke look back question from lifetime to 10 years
  • Modified look back treatment/testing question from 5 to 3 years
  • Loosened diabetes question
  • Removed high blood pressure question

Critical Illness application

  • Changed the cancer look back question from lifetime to 10 years
  • Added look back treatment/testing question for 3 years
  • Removed recurrent breast tumors or cysts questions
  • Loosened diabetes question
  • Removed high blood pressure question

Don’t miss out on the chance to help your clients fill potential gaps. You can access the e-App on SPA or download the paper application if you prefer.
If you have any questions, please contact your Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or email sales.support@mutualofomaha.com.

Updated Critical Advantage Application Now Approved in Another State
