“Medicaid Officials Target Home Health Aides’ Union Dues”

Medicaid Officials Target Home Health Aides’ Union Dues,” by Shefali Luthra, National Public Radio

“Medicaid home care aides — hourly workers who help elderly and disabled people with daily tasks like eating, getting dressed and bathing — are emerging as the latest target in the ongoing power struggle between some conservative lawmakers and organized labor. … A rule proposed recently by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, under the Trump administration, would prohibit home health aides who are paid directly by Medicaid from having their union dues automatically deducted from their paychecks, though it doesn’t name these fees explicitly.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Let’s see. Whom would we like to see get a little extra money? Ten-dollar-an-hour home care workers or the Service Employees International Union which compels caregivers to pay dues whether they want to join or not.

Medicaid Officials Target Home Health Aides’ Union Dues
