Virginia Approves CWL Product Modifications

Effective April 9, 2018, the new Children’s Whole Life product modifications are available for your clients in Virginia. The CWL product modifications are now available in all states, except Washington.

Children’s Whole Life Product Enhancements

  • Increased maximum face amount
    • Old Maximum Face Amount – $30,000
    • NEW Maximum Face Amount – $50,000
  • Improved Guaranteed Insurability Rider
    • Old rider triggers for additional coverage –
      • Can add additional coverage at ages 30, 33, 36 and 39
      • If the election is not made on the first option date, the rider is discontinued
    • NEW rider triggers for additional coverage –
      • Ages 25, 30, 35 and 40
      • Marriage
      • Birth or adoption of a child
      • Home purhcase
      • You can elect to use the rider up to 5 times, mixing and matching birthdays and life events and the rider will not be discontinued if a life event or birthday passes
  • Waiver of premium*
    • Old – Not available
    • NEW – Premium is waived 90 days upon death of owner

*  Not available in the state of Massachusetts

Material Ordering

  • Marketing materials have been updated and are available to order through Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at 800-693-6083

Quoting Tools

  • Quotes for Sales Professionals (the Mobile Quotes app) and Mobile Quotes web are updated and ready for you to quote
  • Winflex is updated and ready for you to quote

For more information, please contact your Mutual of Omaha Sales Director, Account Executive or Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or email

Virginia Approves CWL Product Modifications

>   Related: Children’s Whole Life Product Enhancements