NGL – EssentialLTC News

Thank you for your continued advocacy of long term care insurance solutions for your clients. Your support and feedback inspires us to innovate new approaches to an evolving marketplace. As such, we want to share some of our current and ongoing initiatives:


The NGL LTCi team has been working hard behind the scenes to help make submitting new business easier, more efficient and more profitable for you. Coming soon, we will introduce our new eApp process which will streamline the way you submit your LTCi applications to us. Stay tuned for more information and the official release date!

EssentialLTC Availability:

New Jersey was the first state to have streamlined unisex rates for employer group plans. These rates are available for business owner, worksite and Executive Carve Out plans. We intend to release unisex rates in more states in 2018. We also anticipate the product approval in California and Hawaii later in the year and will soon be filing in New York. Along with new state releases, we are expanding the availability of partnership approvals during 2018.

Based on the high level of interest of 1035 exchanges as an LTCi funding source, we are working on ways to apply an individual’s funds, from a non qualified annuity or life insurance policy, when couples apply together.


To better provide you with marketing collateral support, we continually add materials to the Agent Resource Center. In 2018, we will launch new consumer materials that an agent can customize to prospect for clients.

We have plans to expand Benefits Buddy, our innovate plan design visualization tool. Click below to download a copy if you haven’t tried it out yet.

Click Here to Download


Please call NGL’s Agent Resource Center (888-505-2332) if you have any questions or would like additional information. We look forward to our continued partnership with you!

