“Why Huge Quality Gaps Among Nursing Homes Are Likely To Grow If Medicaid Is Cut”

“Why Huge Quality Gaps Among Nursing Homes Are Likely To Grow If Medicaid Is Cut,” by Jordan Rau, NPR

“Nursing homes that rely the most on Medicaid tend to provide the worst care for their residents — not just the people covered by the program but also those who pay privately or have Medicare coverage. Despite the collapse of the latest Senate effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, congressional Republicans are still keen on shrinking the amount of Medicaid money Washington sends states.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
Could you ask for a better reason to buy LTCI? It not only helps you stay out of a nursing home, it enables you to get into the best ones if you must go by staying off Medicaid. But this article’s conclusion that government needs to spend more, not less money on Medicaid LTC is mistaken. The real problem is that too many people rely on Medicaid and too few pay privately. The only solution is to reduce Medicaid dependency and increase early and responsible LTC planning. That will not only reduce Medicaid expenditures but it will increase LTC access and quality for all.

Why Huge Quality Gaps Among Nursing Homes Are Likely To Grow If Medicaid Is Cut
