1099 Forms Available on SPA

As the end of the year fast approaches, sign up to receive your 1099s electronically. If you want to have electronic access to your 2023 1099, follow the below instructions and consent prior to 12/31/2023. This will allow you to have access to your 1099 anytime during the year. Notification will be sent in January as soon as the 1099s are available.

The detailed instructions for producers accessing 1099s are provided on the home page of SPA.

Please note:

  1. If a producer has chosen and created a Compensation PIN for SPA already, they will not be able to view their 1099 without their Compensation PIN.
  2. For producers consenting (on SPA) to receive 1099s electronically, 1099s for 2023 reporting in 2024 will not have their 1099s mailed. Their 2023 1099s will only be able to be accessed through a printable form on SPA.


1099 Forms Available on SPA
