“Without Safety Net Of Kids Or Spouse, ‘Elder Orphans’ Need Fearless Fallback Plan”

Without Safety Net Of Kids Or Spouse, ‘Elder Orphans’ Need Fearless Fallback Plan,” by Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News

“Planning for challenges that can arise with advancing age is essential for people who go it alone, advised Sara Zeff Geber, a retirement coach and author of ‘Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults.’ A good way to start is to think about things that adult children do for older parents and consider how you’re going to do all of that yourself or with outside assistance, she said. In her book, Geber lists the responsibilities that adult children frequently take on: They serve as caregivers, help older parents figure out where to live, provide emotional and practical support, assist with financial issues such as managing money, and agree to serve as health care or legal decision-makers when a parent becomes incapacitated. Also, older parents often rely on adult children for regular social contact and a sense of connectedness.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

There are a lot of childless boomers, both married and single, who need to hear this message … a long with a message on how to plan for financial long-term care security.
