“Why millions on Medicaid are at risk of losing coverage in the months ahead”

Why millions on Medicaid are at risk of losing coverage in the months ahead,” by Rochana Pradhan, NPR



“The fear among doctors is that the pandemic’s disruption to cancer screenings and other preventive measures won’t just be a blip, although a blip would be bad enough on its own: When cancer gets diagnosed late, it’s less likely a patient’s doctors can successfully intervene, and the patient is more likely to die. Even a four-week delay in treatment is associated with a 6 to 13 percent higher risk of death.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Woe is they! People will again have to be eligible to receive Medicaid benefits. Just as government showered the country with legal tender having the financial backing of play money, Medicaid kept everyone on the program whether financially or medically eligible or not. We’re now paying for this bonanza of benefits with historically unprecedented consumer price inflation. Proving yet again: TANSTAAFL, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.