United Security Assurance – Producers’ Testimonials

Producers’ Testimonials

We love hearing from our producers. Building long-standing relationships with our valued producers is the driving force behind everything we do. We go out of our way to see that each and every producer we work with is satisfied with the services our in-house staff provides. Here are a few examples of what some of our producers had to say about our expertise and their experiences with United Security Assurance.


Vance M.

“Since 1962, I have been an insurance salesman, and have represented a lot of companies in that time. About 27 years ago, I was introduced to USA and it has been a really good experience ever since. When I call into the company, it is always nice speaking with Michelle, the receptionist, and not an automated system. I really like doing business with USA for many reasons, but most of all, I like their products and their outstanding service that they provide. In addition, they issue my business. I have witnessed my clients going on claim with them as well, and it has been a good experience too. It really is nice working with the representatives at USA, and my wife and I always enjoyed great times with them at their office and professional gatherings.”


Gabrielle G.

“I’ve been using United Security Assurance (USA) for my hard to place cases for many years now; their commitment to exceptional agent and client services is rivaled by none. The underwriters work hand in hand with the agent to be sure that their field underwriting delivers accurate quotes and expectations; if the medical presents unforeseen problems, the USA team goes out of their way to offer some kind of coverage that the client might find meaningful.

With USA in my toolbox, I feel confident that I can insure the majority of prospects I work with; my only regret is that they are available in all of my states!”


Bruce A.

“I have been providing long term care insurance protection to my clients for nearly 17 years, and I have done business with most of the LTCi carriers that currently offer coverage, but for the last 5 years, I have chosen to give the majority of my business to United Security Assurance. I believe in the “old school” way of doing business, as it has worked for me my entire career. I appreciate picking up the telephone and being able to talk to a live person when I call the company and having direct access to pretty much the entire staff if need be. I have developed a close relationship with many of the folks at USA, especially the underwriters, as I speak with them, literally, almost every day. In the busy world we live in, I really appreciate the simplicity of doing business with USA and appreciate all they have done for me and how they have made it easier for me in the field. It is a pleasure to work with a great company like USA, and I look forward to many more years of providing my clients with long term care insurance protection from USA.”

Gary A.

United Security Assurance: The Saving Grace for many!
In my 19 years specializing exclusively in long-term care planning I’ve established a personal criteria list in determining which companies I choose to recommend. I’m proud to say United Security Assurance is one such company. My list of criteria which USA has met includes:

  • Offered long-term care insurance for at least 30 years (only one current provider has been in the business longer)
  • Pay benefits on a Monthly rather than Daily basis (“…Maximum Daily Benefit Amount multiplied by the number of days in the month”
  • Calendar Day Elimination Period
  • Certainly a better Rate Stability track record than most other companies, current or past

Additionally, there are two other features USA makes available that can help keep premium cost down while still providing adequate and appropriate coverage; 1 Year Benefit Period and 3% Simple Inflation Protection.

The bottom line is the satisfaction I receive when I deliver a USA policy — particularly to someone who has either been told not to bother applying or has been declined by another carrier. Having a wife who was diagnosed nearly 20 years ago, I was say the pinnacle of 19 year career has been handing approved United Security policies to my three clients with asymptomatic Multiple Sclerosis. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

United Security Assurance – Producers’ Testimonials