Underwriting Next Steps & LTC Awareness Month

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NGL Next Steps Brochure thumbnailConsumer Underwriting Next Steps flyer

The Consumer Underwriting Next Steps flyer can help your clients understand and be prepared for the next steps in the underwriting process.

The first page of the flyer contains helpful information regarding medical information, the personal health phone interview and the face-to-face interview. The back page can be used to gather information about their primary care physician, specialist physician and any current medications (prescription and over-the-counter).

This is also available on the Agent Resource Center.

November is Long Term Care Awareness Month

NGL 2020 Social Media post sampleIn a year that has revolved around the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and not being able to gather with friends and family, the need for a long term care plan has never been more prevalent.

We created social media posts to help you share facts about long term care planning. Login to the Agent Resource Center to download the images and share to your social media platforms.

