“The $3.5T Spending Mistake”

The $3.5T Spending Mistake,” by John C. Goodman, The Goodman Institute




“Here is a 36-page analysis of the health care components of the congressional Democrats’ new spending proposal.

Why is it so long?

Because I hope to arm the opponents with better arguments. Of course, we can’t afford it. But that’s what Republicans and moderate Democrats say about every liberal proposal.

Here is what voters need to know. In health care, every single Democratic proposal consists of throwing good money after bad. They are trying to meet unmet needs by spending enormous sums of money on deeply flawed programs. And instead of fixing the flaws, in many cases the proposal makes them worse.

With sensible reforms to Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare we could meet almost all the unmet needs the Democrats have targeted – probably without spending any more money and certainly without imposing a huge tax burden on families who make a lot less than $400,000 a year.



LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Goodman is the gold standard for health policy analysis. I wish he gave more attention to the long-term care side of Medicaid, but this piece is well worth your time to read.