“Senior living will grow at skilled care’s expense through 2021, report predicts”

Senior living will grow at skilled care’s expense through 2021, report predicts,” by John O’Connor, McKnight’s Senior Living

“Senior living operators can look forward to growth in the coming years, largely at the expense of their skilled-care competitors. So suggests a new report that sizes up the seniors housing and care sector. … The report also predicts that individuals will be responsible for more of their care costs in the coming years, as government funding sources decline. Out-of-pocket expenses will largely fill the growing void, along with private insurance to a lesser extent, the authors predict. The full report, which was produced by The Freedonia Group, an international business research company, is available for purchase.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Wake up, consumers! The easy LTC ride from government programs may be phasing out.

Senior living will grow at skilled care’s expense through 2021, report predicts
