Selling Critical Advantage

Protecting your clients against financial burden is important to you and your business. Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Advantage portfolio helps protect your clients should they suffer from a critical illness. Our product pays a lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis of a covered condition and we pay it directly to the policyholder not the health care provider.

Boost your Critical Advantage knowledge and sales with these Tips:

Did you Know?

  1. Stand Alone product — The product was built specifically for a Critical Illness, Cancer, Heart Attack/Stroke. It is a stand-alone policy and not an add on feature on another product which means it helps to cover those costs where traditional health insurance may fall short.
  2. The emotion is real — Your clients most likely have or knows someone who has been diagnosed or suffered a critical illness. The treatments or recovery can impact their income and the expenses can be overwhelming.
  3. Don’t Fall Short — Average health care insurance or Medicare does not always cover the costs of recovery or care while suffering from a critical illness.
  4. Good Partner product — It’s a perfect cross sell opportunity with a Medicare Supplement policy.
  5. Coverage they want to keep — Consumers purchase this coverage with the intention of keeping the product for a long time because no one knows what the future holds. These products are designed and priced for high placement and persistency.

Best Sales Practices

  1. Not a replacement for health insurance — Avoid bundling this product with multiple carriers and or products in lieu of or as a replacement for health insurance. Example: bundling products during ACA.
  2. Straight Talk — Ensure your communications do not mislead the client to think critical illness is an eligibility requirement for purchasing or receiving a discount on health insurance.
  3. It’s a keeper — Critical Illness policies are meant to protect your clients throughout their lifetime. Do your yearly checkups with your clients to reinforce the value of this product and avoid replacing the business year over year so your clients don’t loose out on coverage they may need.

Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Advantage portfolio is a great addition to your already existing business. Prepare your clients should they become faced with a serious illness. Our Critical Advantage products can provide valuable financial support which allows them and their families to focus on recovery.
If you have any questions, please contact your Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or email

Selling Critical Advantage
