“Redesigning The Washington Cares Act”

Redesigning The Washington Cares Act,” by Louis H. Brownstone, Broker World



“What can others learn from the Washington Cares Act experience? The main take-away is that in its efforts to be all-inclusive and ensure its solvency, the designers of the Washington Cares Act included some elements which were not well accepted by its participants and which might need some revising in the future. The problem is that many of these revisions would result in a shortfall of revenue and could necessitate an increase in the tax.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

The WA Cares Fund definitely needs fixing. Louis Brownstone, long a leader advising California on LTC policy issues, suggests some excellent changes to improve the Washington State program. Whether or not it is salvageable only time will tell.