“Millennials flock to nursing at twice the rate of baby boomers, staving off shortage”

“Millennials flock to nursing at twice the rate of baby boomers, staving off shortage,” by Shari Rudavsky, Indianapolis Star

“Millennials are saving the nursing profession. Facing a potential shortage due to baby boomers retiring, nursing has welcomed an unexpected surge of millennials entering the field. Those millennials are nearly twice as likely to be nurses as their grandparents’ generation, the baby boomers, a recent Health Affairs study found. This trend has averted a potential workforce crisis and has implications for the future of nursing, said David Auerbach, one of the authors of the study.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Hopeful news, but the article doesn’t mention nursing aides in assisted living or nursing homes. These are harder jobs to fill especially in a booming economy where better options are available.

Millennials flock to nursing at twice the rate of baby boomers, staving off shortage
