Medicare Advantage Healthcare Spending Exceeds Original Medicare: Policymakers may soon have to address inequities between Medicare Advantage healthcare spending and Medicare spending,” by Kelsey Waddill, Health Payer Intelligence



“Escalations in Medicare Advantage healthcare spending—along with higher traditional Medicare spending—could drive scarcity in the Medicare hospital insurance trust fund and could boost Medicare Part B premiums, Kaiser Family Foundation researchers found. Despite the savings that a value-based care model affords for beneficiaries, Medicare Advantage spending is higher than traditional Medicare. Furthermore, healthcare spending is growing at a faster rate in Medicare Advantage than fee-for-service Medicare. The researchers leveraged publicly available data through CMS to analyze current spending trends in traditional Medicare Part A and Part B and to project future spending trajectories.”



LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

The Social Security and Medicare trustee annual reports were due April 1 and are still not forthcoming. Something tells me those programs have a lot more to worry about than the comparative merits of MA vs. traditional Medicare.