“Living Well, Even With Alzheimer’s”

“Living Well, Even With Alzheimer’s,” by Gayatri Devi, Wall Street Journal

“Many people have the idea that Alzheimer’s is a one-way street to inexorable decline. They believe that treatment is ineffective, which often discourages them from seeking a diagnosis when facing memory loss. But the reality of the disease is very different. Having worked as a neurologist for over 20 years, I see Alzheimer’s not as a single disease but as a spectrum disorder—with a wide range of symptoms, responses to treatment and prognoses. Early diagnosis and treatment has kept many of my patients stable.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

I bring this article in today’s WSJ  to your attention because I think something different and potentially big is going on with Alzheimer’s diagnosis and treatment. I’ll have more to say in a future LTC Bullet. For now, read this article if you have access to the Journal. (I can forward you a copy if you don’t.) Then look for a new best-seller titled “The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.” Jaded and dubious as I am about the constant hyperventilating reports about Alzheimer’s drugs and treatments, this approach may have merit and bears watching.

Living Well, Even With Alzheimer’s

Reminder: The Wall Street Journal is gated.
