“Family feels less guilt when loved one moves to assisted living versus nursing home: study”

Family feels less guilt when loved one moves to assisted living versus nursing home: study,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnight’s Senior Living


“Loved ones who moved an older adult into assisted living reported having greater feelings of guilt related to that move due limits to their ability to provide assistance (35%) compared with providing care at home (22%), moving an older adult into a caregiver’s home (15%) or sending an older adult to an adult day facility (9%). The feelings of guilt were greater for families with loved ones that moved into nursing homes, however (40%). … Researchers said that the pandemic increased the belief in the importance of early planning — 29% of respondents in 2021 said they believed in long-term care insurance compared with 15% in 2018. The number of people who actually bought long-term care insurance has not changed significantly, however, remaining at 14% as in 2018.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Guilt, up; LTCI, flat. Why? Read Medicaid and Long-Term Care for answers.