Do Your Clients Have Everything They Need?

Opportunity is Knocking… Are You Gonna Answer?

If you had the opportunity to help more people…if you could make more sales and build your business, wouldn’t you jump at the chance?

Here’s the deal. There are people out there who need long-term care insurance. A lot of people. Every day, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65. And that’s expected to continue for another decade. As your clients approach retirement age, they need your help planning for their long-term care needs.

We’ll provide you with tips to help you have those all-important LTC planning conversations with confidence. Let’s start with why people need it. Watch our short presentation The Need for Long-Term Care. Then check out our Cost of Care Calculator to see what they can expect to pay for LTC services. We think you’ll be struck by the real problem your clients face. Hint: You’ve got the solution.

At Mutual of Omaha, we’re committed to providing LTCi products your clients want to buy and giving you the tools and support you need to sell them. After three decades in the LTCi marketplace, we’ve gotten pretty good at it. Our products are priced competitively with rates that remain stable. Check us out on Sales Professional Access. You’ll find product details, underwriting information, sales tools and lots more.

So, what are you waiting for? When opportunity knocks, we want you to be ready!

Do Your Clients Have Everything They Need?
