“Confronting Ageism in Health Care: A Conversation for Patients, Caregivers and Clinicians”

Confronting Ageism in Health Care: A Conversation for Patients, Caregivers and Clinicians,” Kaiser Health News



“What does ageism in health care look like? It can be a thoughtless quip that makes an older person feel diminished. Or an assumption that patients are unable to follow a conversation or make their own decisions. Maybe it occurs when a concern is voiced, then discounted or dismissed. … KHN and The John A. Hartford Foundation held a web event Thursday. Judith Graham, KHN’s Navigating Aging columnist, hosted the discussion. ”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Ageism usually just rolls off my back, but when a dental hygienist tried to talk baby talk to me I bristled. Still, do we really need another new class of victims?