“Baby boomers bode well for CCRCs”

Baby boomers bode well for CCRCs,” by Lois A. Bowers, McKnight’s Senior Living

“Continuing care retirement communities are expected to hold much appeal to baby boomers, and the good news is, the first wave of boomers will be entering the target age range for such communities within the next five years, notes a new “Market Insight” report from CBRE. … The oldest baby boomers are turning 72 this year, and CCRC residents typically are in their late 70s to mid-80s at move-in, according to CBRE.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

And so it begins . . .  finally. But what happens 13 years from now when the oldest boomers start turning 85 and moving into the highest acuity CCRC settings?

Baby boomers bode well for CCRCs
