“Are adult foster homes a good long-term care option?”

Are adult foster homes a good long-term care option?,” by Liz Seegert, PBS

“Call them adult foster homes, board and care homes, residential homes, group or adult care homes. Regardless of the moniker, these small-setting, family-like environments blend neatly into local communities, and are a viable housing option for older adults who may need help with daily living basics, but not the clinical care or amenities of traditional assisted living facilities and nursing homes. … A mix of private pay and Medicaid — under what’s known as a home and community care waiver — pays for care in these homes. While fees vary depending on location, size and amenities, adult foster homes can be a cost-effective alternative compared with other elder housing options.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

Something like adult foster care is where the LTC services market would have ended up if we hadn’t made the detour through free or subsidized Medicaid-financed custodial care in nursing homes. Only now we run the risk of inadequate Medicaid financing causing a two-tier system with a low-quality public option and a high-quality private option. But with Medicaid in the mix, most people will still fail to plan or insure privately for LTC so only the affluent will have access to the preferred option.

Are adult foster homes a good long-term care option?
