“These 5 defensive moves can protect your money and wealth”

These 5 defensive moves can protect your money and wealth,” by Liz Miller, MarketWatch

Quote:  “Every well-considered wealth-management plan includes an assessment of personal, property, and financial risk. Investments have risks that can’t readily be insured, so other risks must be managed in order to minimize threats to overall wealth goals. Fortunately, many of the personal risks that can threaten one’s wealth can be managed with proper insurance. Consider these five ways to reduce your exposure to risk:

“2. Consider long-term care insurance:

Studies indicate that at least one member of every couple living today is likely to need some kind of long-term medical assistance. Many people have the means to pay these expenses out of their wealth savings, but for many others, a long-term stay in a luxury care facility — due to dementia or some other debilitating condition — can derail their lifestyle or legacy goals. If you have any medical conditions or family history that make you particularly vulnerable to health risks, or you do not have the means to cover these costs, consider long-term care insurance options. This is relatively inexpensive insurance to add prior to age 50, but it can get pricey later in life.”

LTC Comment (from Damon V. Moses, Administrative Coordinator, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):  A pretty good concept offering LTCi as a type of lifestyle insurance or even “portfolio insurance.”

These 5 defensive moves can protect your money and wealth
