Securian’s 2018 Individual Life Rates

Thank you for your continued support this year. As a commitment to stay competitive the majority of our rates will remain the same going into 2018. As a valued advisor, you are receiving advanced notice. Our 2018 rates will be reflected on the websites and in the illustration system beginning January 1, 2018.

Dividend Interest Rates Guaranteed Minimum Rate December
2017 Rate
2018 Rate
Secure Accumulator Whole Life 4.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Secure Protector Whole Life 4.00% 4.75% 4.75%
SecureCare 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
CareShield 2.00% 3.75% 3.50%
Interest Crediting Rates Guaranteed Minimum Rate December
2017 Rate
2018 Rate
Accumulator UL Years 1-15 (All, including BVEA) 3.00% 4.40% 4.40%
Accumulator UL Years 16 and beyond (Non-BVEA only) 3.00% 4.70% 4.70%
Eclipse IUL Fixed and DCA Accounts 3% or 2%* 3.75% 3.75%
Eclipse Protector IUL Fixed and DCA Accounts 3% or 2%* 3.00% 3.00%
Eclipse Survivor IUL Fixed and DCA Accounts 3% or 2%* 3.75% 3.75%
Eclipse Survivor Pro IUL Fixed and DCA Accounts 3% or 2%* 3.00% 3.00%
Omega Builder Fixed and DCA Accounts 2.00% 3.75% 3.75%
Orion IUL 2.00% 3.75% 3.75%
Accumulator VUL 3.00% 3.50% 3.50%
VUL Defender 2.00% 3.00% 3.00%
Interim Account Rates Guaranteed Minimum Rate December
January 1,
All Fixed Indexed Products 3.00% 3.00% 3.00%
VUL Defender (both interim accounts) 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%

To view a full list of current rates, please visit our advisor website.
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Securian’s 2018 Individual Life Rates
