Protection, Growth and Simplicity – All in One IUL Policy

No doubt you have clients and prospects who need life insurance protection. Many people interested in life insurance also want the potential to grow-tax-deferred cash values they can access later for things like retirement, college tuition or emergencies. Our Income Advantage Indexed Universal Life Insurance is an attractive solution to cover those needs.

What sets Income Advantage apart is its simplicity of design. At United of Omaha, we do not believe that you need fancy (and oftentimes confusing) crediting strategies in order to offer your clients upside potential. By using only one index and a straightforward, annual point-to-point crediting method, our products are easier for you to explain to your clients.

It’s a great product for clients who want:

  • Strong potential for cash growth from our three indexed crediting strategies
  • Permanent death benefit protection
  • Flexibility for the future with our no-cost Guaranteed Refund Option, Accelerated Death Benefit and Lapse Guard riders
  • Income-tax-free loans and withdrawals

What’s more, Income Advantage is a good fit for a wide range of prospects, including young professionals, pre-retirees, retirees and small business owners.

Learn more about Income Advantage at

Protection, Growth and Simplicity – All in One IUL Policy